Friday, December 12, 2008

Centralia, Pennsylvania (Silent Hill)

Okay so like we've all seen the horror movie Silent Hill. But we don't know, is that it's actually based on true events. You see in 1960 a happy town of Centralia was built, however it was known for its coal mines. In 1962 an underground fire struck. Thousands fled, however for the rest they died. The whole city was burned to ashes. Now it is a ghost town. They get few visitors because it is no longer located on maps. The government took away the zip code and took it off the maps. If you go it's located on a fork road of route 61 in Ashland, Pennsylvania. Follow the correct path (it's deserted) and it will lead you to a bumpy road with cracks and smoke. Citizens that witnessed the fire live there. There is only 21 of them today. They refuse to show visitors the town because of it's haunted past. The fire still goes on today. There is two cemetaries, an abandoned church, and of course a school. If you go you must realize if you go in, there's no way of getting out without going through the town. People say that sometimes you can see burnt people and miners walk by and then just disappear. I want my mom to know, that I really want to go here and wants her to take me here on my B-Day!!!
Here are some pictures:

this is a road that was lead to the town

this is the town today

here is a map of the city

last here is the church

the place is spooky and fun, and I really want to go!!!

1 comment:

KYLady said...

If you really want to go, lets go in the summer (when it's not cold. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. Do you really want to see burnt ghosts?