Monday, April 9, 2007

This is my super cool sister Erin. This is a picture of her as a black belt. Believe it or not like Ripley's. Sorry I changed the subject we are TWIN sisters. She started out as a not so harmless white belt and don't mess with her now because she will knock your head off. Her instructor Tim Clark knew when she came she had great potential. In his karate studio you start with white, then white with yellow, yellow, purple, advanced purple, orange, blue, advanced blue, green, advanced green, brown, advanced brown, red, advanced red, and then dun dun dun dun.............. black! Black goes all the way to the 10th degree. 10th degree is just like Chuck Norris. This summer we are going to Las Vegas where Erin can get a picture with him. (black belts only) Now she can go to meetings and stuff.

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